I'm dubious about the scholarship of this article, beginning with the statement that the F6D had a three-man crew, with the RIO sitting between a pilot and copilot. The F6D cockpit only had room for two seats, pilot and RIO like the F3D, although the Douglas inboard profile appears to show enough space behind the cockpit for an additional two seats.
I'm dubious about the scholarship of the author of this F6D article, beginning with the statement that it had a three-man crew. The cockpit was only wide enough for a two-man crew, although the inboard profile suggests that Douglas provided volume behind the cockpit for at least one more crewman, who would have been a relief radar operator.
Postimg.org had a registry problem about a year ago and they had to move to Postimg.cc.
All photos are still available; but, the "CC" must be subtituted for "ORG" in the corresponding URL address to get to the proper place. (Hold cursor over link to get URL address or change in address line.) Postimg.org becomes Postimg.cc.
Also... any URLs with the prefix "old." need to have that removed completely as well. IE, old.postimg.org/ should be amended to postimg.cc
Let me know if I need to fix any links beyond the dozens that I have already fixed.
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About Me
My name is Ron Downey. I am a retired Aeronautical Engineer who worked for McDonnell Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas Corp for 40 years and collected many photos, info and brochures of their products. While the F-4 is my favorite, I have many other MDC items and these will be scanned and presented here. In addition, I have been an aviation historian for most of my adult life and I have amassed a large amount of info over my 50+ years of collecting and will be bringing that here also. My aim is to bring aviation material (Photos, articles; etc) to this blog before it is lost; but, not in-depth explanations as any good search engine can be used for that purpose. I may be contacted at: aviationarchives(at)gmail.com
Copyright and Photo Credits
As all of this info was originally for my use only in order to build plastic scale models, I never paid too much attention to copyrights or proper photo credits. Therefore, if something is not credited correctly, please let me know and I will be happy to delete or properly credit the material. (I have in my possession all the items and original material and these are all new scans, except where noted.) All photos and info are credited to McDonnell Douglas/The Boeing Company unless otherwise noted. Feel free to use any of this info with the credit of Ron Downey via Aviation Archives. I can be reached at: aviationarchives(at)gmail.com.
I'm dubious about the scholarship of this article, beginning with the statement that the F6D had a three-man crew, with the RIO sitting between a pilot and copilot. The F6D cockpit only had room for two seats, pilot and RIO like the F3D, although the Douglas inboard profile appears to show enough space behind the cockpit for an additional two seats.
I'm dubious about the scholarship of the author of this F6D article, beginning with the statement that it had a three-man crew. The cockpit was only wide enough for a two-man crew, although the inboard profile suggests that Douglas provided volume behind the cockpit for at least one more crewman, who would have been a relief radar operator.
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