Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Douglas F6D Missileer and Bendix AAM-N-10 Eagle Missile

The story of the Douglas F6D Missileer and Bendix AAM-N-10 Eagle Missile. Credit: Tails thru Time

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Tommy Thomason said...

I'm dubious about the scholarship of this article, beginning with the statement that the F6D had a three-man crew, with the RIO sitting between a pilot and copilot. The F6D cockpit only had room for two seats, pilot and RIO like the F3D, although the Douglas inboard profile appears to show enough space behind the cockpit for an additional two seats.

Tommy Thomason said...

I'm dubious about the scholarship of the author of this F6D article, beginning with the statement that it had a three-man crew. The cockpit was only wide enough for a two-man crew, although the inboard profile suggests that Douglas provided volume behind the cockpit for at least one more crewman, who would have been a relief radar operator.

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