A few photos of the Douglas F3D Skyknight. (Some company photos included.) Credit: Jean and as marked
Friday, March 29, 2019
Douglas F3D Skyknight Photos
Thursday, March 28, 2019
A Few Words–Please Read
1. - Do to the limitations of my photo host (Postimage), I can’t upload any photo or drawing bigger than 10MB to this blog. This means that my very large scans (Up to 52MB) need to be reduced.
When I do that, I realize that some of the smaller lettering can become illegible. If this happens and you really need that drawing, send me an email requesting a larger copy. I may be contacted at: aviationarchives(at)gmail.com
Most of the time, something can be arranged; but, please be patient, as this blog is generating a lot of discussion and requests and I do have a life!.
2. - Note on My Image Holder PostImg message "server not found"
Postimg.org had a registry problem about a year ago and they had to move to Postimg.cc.
All photos are still available; but, the "CC" must be subtituted for "ORG" in the corresponding URL address to get to the proper place. (Hold cursor over link to get URL address or change in address line.) Postimg.org becomes Postimg.cc.
Also... any URLs with the prefix "old." need to have that removed completely as well. IE, old.postimg.org/ should be amended to postimg.cc
Let me know if I need to fix any links beyond the dozens that I have already fixed.
3. – Next a plea, if you have any material such as photos, manuals, patches, brochures or drawings. Or anything else, (Especially Douglas, McDonnell Aircraft or McDonnell Douglas); please get in touch with me at the email above and we will work something out to get it published.
After all, that is why I started this blog so as to preserve and disseminate all this material before it is lost or destroyed! I have dumpster dived and grabbed anything I could over the years to save material; but, I have seen way too much of it thrown away. Let’s not let that happen!
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Martin RB-26/A and B-26B Pilots Operating Instructions
A copy of TO 01-35EA-1, Pilots Flight Operating Instructions for the Martin RB-26/A and B-26B aircraft. Dated 25 April 1943. Credit: Anymouse Collection
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Martin B-26 Pilot Training Manual
A copy of the Pilot Training Manual for the Martin B-26 Marauder aircraft. Dated 1944. Credit: Anymouse Collection
Monday, March 25, 2019
Flying the Messerschmitt Bf-109E Pilot Report
A short pilot report on Flying the Messerschmitt Bf-109E. This report was written by RAF Boscombe Down personnel. Dated March 1944. Credit: Free check Lists.net
Friday, March 22, 2019
Martin B-26 Handbook of Operations and Flight Instructions
A copy of the Martin Company issued B-26 Handbook of Operations and Flight Instructions. Dated April 11, 1941.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Gemini Design and Manufacturing Article
A Titanium Metals Corporation of America reprint of an article in the May 13, 1963 magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology on the Design and Manufacturing of the Gemini spacecraft.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Gemini Spacecraft Airscoop Article
McDonnell Airscoop newspaper article on the end of Gemini and a summation of the Gemini program.. Paper is dated December 1966.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
QF-100 Drone Patches and Walk Around Photos
Monday, March 18, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
Arrow Avro CF-105 MK.1 Pilot's Operating Instructions
A copy of the Avro company CF-105 MK.1 Arrow’s Pilot's Operating Instructions. Dated April 1958.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Douglas B-26B and C Flight Manual
A copy of TO 1B-26B-1 Flight Manual for the Douglas B-26B and C Invader aircraft. Dated 2 March 1964. Credit: Anymouse Collection
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Martin B-26B and C Marauder Flight Handbook
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Convair YF-2Y Sea Dart Walk Around
A nice group of photos of the Convair YF-2Y Sea Dart (135764) on display at the Harold F. Pitcairn Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum, just outside NAS Willow Grove, PA. The museum is operated by the Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association. Credit: Bill Maloney
Download here or here (10.9 Megs)
Additional Sea Dart photos here
Monday, March 11, 2019
Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association Photos
Friday, March 8, 2019
AGM-84 Harpoon Standard Aircraft Characteristics
McDonnell Douglas AGM-84A Harpoon Standard Aircraft Characteristics (SAC) sheets, dated August 1974.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
AGM-84D/B-52H NonNuclear Weapons Delivery Manual
A copy of the Nonnuclear Weapon Delivery Manual, T.O. 1B-52H-34-2-2, for the McDonnell Douglas AGM-84D/B-52H missile/aircraft, dated 1 April 1997.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
AGM-84 Harpoon Missile Photos
Thirty seven company and personal photos of the McDonnell Douglas AGM-84 Harpoon missile.
From the USAF Fact Sheet:
McDonnell AGM-84L "Harpoon" Missile
Engine: One Teledyne /CAE J402-CA-400 turbojet; 680 lbs thrust
Wingspan: 3 ft 0 in
Length: 12 ft 7 in
Diameter: 1 ft 1 1/2 in
Weight: 1,145 lbs
Speed: 855 km/h
Range: 60+ nautical miles
Armament: 488 lbs high-explosive
Cost: $474,609
The Harpoon is the only dedicated anti-shipping missile currently in service with US armed forces. It was developed beginning in 1968 and a production contract was awarded to McDonnell Douglas in 1971. The first test launch was in October 1972.
The Harpoon comes in air-launched, ship-launched, and submarine-launched varieties. The air-launched version is designated AGM-84. It is powered by a Teledyne/CAE J402 turbojet and has a maximum range of around 100 nautical miles. The AGM-85L on exhibit is equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) capability and is carried by some USAF B-52H aircraft.
Monday, March 4, 2019
McDonnell Aircraft for Sale
Two McDonnell Aircraft jets have recently come up for sale.
F4H-1 s/n 150310 and the Model 220 utility aircraft. For only $3,950,000, you can have the “World's Only Privately Owned F-4 Phantom Capable of Flight” and for a bargin $225,000, the Model 220.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Misc Phantom Flyer Pages
A few miscellaneous feature aircraft pages from the Phantom Flyer issues of Sept thru Dec 1982.
See pages here