Loft Sheet 15-2, dated November 14 1967, showing the F2H-2/2P Plan Sheer & Cross Sections in 1/16 scale. (A full size, original copy is included.) Credit: Greg Kuklinski
Saturday, December 31, 2016
F2H-2/2P Plan, Sheer & Cross Sections
Friday, December 30, 2016
F-4 Phantom II Design Philosophy
Thursday, December 29, 2016
F-101 Voodoo Visdom
McDonnel Aircraft’s Field Service (Product Support) publication on what to do in an F-101 Voodoo when things go wrong! Dated August 1959.
Click here to download the publication in PDF form (2.3 Megs)
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
F-4 Phantom II Development History
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
AV-8B - A Success Story
An MDC 1984 brochure on the AV-8B program and its sucess. Credit: The Boxart Den
In the summary, it says: “The U.S. Marlne Corps has developed and validated the concept of V/STOL light attack wlth the Hawker Siddeley AV-8A Harrier. The McDonnell Douglas AV-BB wIII provlde the operational capablllty required of an all V/STOL llght attack force In the 19B0s. AV·BB performance Is made posslble by successful lntegratlcn of new U.S technoIogy Into the proven Harrier V/STOL concept.”
Monday, December 26, 2016
F-4 Phantom II Demonstrated Mission Performance
Sunday, December 25, 2016
MDC Fighters for Today and Tomorrow
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Sparrow III Brochure
Friday, December 23, 2016
Allison 501 Turboprop Engine Brochure
A nice sales brochure for the Allison 501 Turboprop Engine. Credit: The Boxart Den
It reads: “This brochure has been prepared lo acquaint airline personnel with some of the design features and operational aspects of gas turbine engines. The brochure covers basic principles of operation of both turbo-jet and turbo-prop engines, although emphasis is placed on the Allison Model 501 Turbo-prop engine which will power the Lockheed Eiectra.”
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Saturn V Tech Data Manuals
Copies of 15 NASA Saturn V tech manuals including Stages 1,2 and 3 info, Flight History and F1 Engine specs.
Click here to download manuals in RAR form (14.6 Megs)
Note: This file is a compressed WinRAR file. Use WinRAR, WinZip or the free 7-zip to un-compress all the files. See a 7-Zip tutorial here
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Saturn V Flight Manuals
Saturn V Flight Manuals # SA 503, SA 504 and SA 507. Dated November 1 1968, September 1 1968 and October 5 1969. Lots of charts and graphs and other data!
Click here to download SA 503 here
Click here to download SA 504 here
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
TF-15A Eagle Standard Aircraft Characteristics
Monday, December 19, 2016
I Won an Top 50 Aviation Blog Award!
“Hi Ron-My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot. I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Aviation Archives has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Aviation Blogs on the web.
I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Aviation Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!” “As one of the Top 50 Aviation blogs, you have the honour of displaying the Top 50 badge on your site. “
Thank you very much to Anuj and his team for this honor! Obviously, I don’t do this for fame and fortune; but, being human, I will happily accept an honor. Thanks to my readers for making me “famous” (LOL)
Phantom FGR Mk 2 Aircrew Manual (Better Copy)
Sunday, December 18, 2016
McDonnell Engineering News Activity Report–1963
McDonell engineering news report dated June 1963. This report summarizes the major McDonnell projects underway and recently completed. Good historical data straight from the company. This was the first report I got from the company and I was one of the engineers “hired in the past 12 months”. (First paragraph – June 1962)
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Design Development of the FD-1 Phantom
An article from Aviation Magazine dated November 1946 and written by Kendall Perkins, who went on to be the Chief of Engineering for McDonnell Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas. Design Development of the FD-1 Phantom is a very interesting over view of the FD-1 design process.
Aviation Week says: “Detailing for the first time the problems—and their solutions—of the U. S. Navy's first all-jet plane whose unusual structure points up new approaches to future high-speed military craft.”
Friday, December 16, 2016
F-4E, F-4F and F-4E+ Equipment and Interior Differences
Thursday, December 15, 2016
F-18 Spin Aircraft Photos
The sixth production F/A-18A-2-MC Hornet, BuNo 1610780, C/N 6/a006 was designated for spin testing.
After spin testing it was leased to NASA at Edwards AFB, CA. in 1985, to be Used in high angle of attack and thrust vectoring tests. It was registered as N840NA and Flown as 840. After it finished with NASA, it was sent for display to Virginia Air And Space Centerat Hampton, VA, March 2003.
Per Jack Abercrombie: “ FYI, the MCAIR test pilot in the last three photos is Denny Behm, the designated high AOA/spin test pilot for the program. (Denny was also the guy who flew the first spin in the F-15 Eagle a few years before--although not planned).”
Click here to download a very more F-18 spin Movie (.7 Megs)
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
In Remembrance: John Glenn Photos
“Today, we remember John Glenn.
He is best known for his orbital space flight in 1962. He was also a fighter pilot.
John served in WWII and Korea and scored three MiG kills in Korea. He was assigned to escort Charles Lindberg during WWII, flying a Vought F4U Corsair.
Lindberg was working for Lockheed to improve the P-38's performance.
His wingman during the Korean War was Ted WIlliams, who went on to become a legend of the baseball diamond. They were both flying Grumman F9F Panthers.
John flew a slew of fighter aircraft in the 1950s and was selected as a member of the original Mercury Seven astronauts in 1959. These men were the first group of aviators that NASA selected for early space flights.
John Glenn was the last of them and his passing closes the book on this chapter of American heroes. “ Credit: The Jean Aker archive collection via the BoxArt Den
Having grown up in the 50’s and 60’s, John Glenn was a special hero of mine. May he RIP.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Early Years in the Hornets Nest–F-18 Growing Pains
A fascinating first hand account of the F-18 Hornets design background and how the aircraft evolved from Jack Abercrombie. Jack was head of the Aero project from 1978 and the Chief Aerodynamicist at McDonnell Douglas from 1982 to 1985. credit: Jack Abercrombie
Click here to download the presentation in PDF form (2.2 Megs)
Monday, December 12, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Douglas A2D Skyshark
I love odd aircraft and the Douglas A2D fits that bill. Here are 46 photos for your pleasure!
Click here to download all the photos in compressed RAR form (20.7 Megs)
Note: This file is a compressed WinRAR file. Use WinRAR, WinZip or the free 7-zip to un-compress all the files. See a 7-Zip tutorial here
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw
I ran across this group of Sikorsky S-55 "Chickasaw"/H-19/HO4S/HRS photos and thought that others would like them. It is one helicopter that I always liked.
Click here to view the 83 photos
Click here to download all the photos in compressed RAR form (15.8 Megs)
Note: This file is a compressed WinRAR file. Use WinRAR, WinZip or the free 7-zip to un-compress all the files. See a 7-Zip tutorial here
Friday, December 9, 2016
Seven Wings The F-4 Phantom II Has Flown
McAir report 80-002 on the history of the Seven Wing configurations the F-4 Phantom II was tested in flight. Credit: Written by D.H. Bennett and W. A. Rousseau and presented at the Dayton-Cincinnati Chapter Conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dayton, Ohio,18-19 March 1980.Credit: Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum via Jack Abercrombie
Thursday, December 8, 2016
F-18 Hornet Prototype Article
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Development History of the McDonnell FD-1/FH-1 Phantom
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
F-18A Hornet Flight International Article
Monday, December 5, 2016
North American T-2A (T-2J) Buckeye Flight Training Instructions
And Now for something different! A copy of the Flight Training Instructions for formation flying with the North American T-2A (T-2J) Buckeye from Naval Air Basic Training!. This is Part 8, dated 1964. Credit: Cole Piece
Part 8 says: “Flight Training Instructi0ns - Formation, T-2A(T2J)“ is published for
the information, standardization of instruction, and guidance of all flight
instructors and student naval aviators as an explanatory aid to the Naval
Air Basic Training Command T-2A(T2J) Basic Jet Flight Syllabus. It will be
the authority on the execution of all T-2A(T2J) Formation procedures and
maneuvers contained in the Basic Jet Flight Syllabus.”
Sunday, December 4, 2016
General Dynamics F-16A/B Fighting Falcon Pilots Guide To the Midlife Update Program
Copies of the Pilot’s Guides To the Midlife Update new capabilities and enhancements for the General Dynamics F-16A/B Fighting Falcon aircraft, dated 1998, 2000 and 2004. This includes Part 1, 2 and 3.
Click here for Part 1 manual PDF (4.1 Megs)
Saturday, December 3, 2016
General Dynamics F-16C/D Fighting Falcon Avionics/Nonnuclear Weapons Flight Manual
Friday, December 2, 2016
General Dynamics F-16C/D Fighting Falcon Flight Manual Supplemental
A copy of the Flight manual TO GR1F-16CJ-1-1 Supplemental for the General Dynamics F-16C/D Fighting Falcon aircraft of the Hellenic Airforce, dated June 15, 2003. Credit: Public Intelligence
Thursday, December 1, 2016
General Dynamics F-16C/D Fighting Falcon Flight Crew Checklist
A copy of the Flight Crew Checklist TO GR1F-16CJ-1CL-2 for the General Dynamics F-16C/D Fighting Falcon aircraft of the Hellenic Airforce, dated December 15, 2003. Credit: Public Intelligence