I have spent the last 3 months scanning over 5000 items for this blog and building 3 flying rockets for my oldest grandson. (Yes, I have a VERY understanding wife!)
I have been asked several times what it takes to publish this material; so, this seemed like a good time to explain the process.
1. First, I have to find the material (Photos, articles, booklets; etc.) This takes a lot of time as I have 11 five-drawer file cabinets and 4 large book cases crammed with material!
2. Then the scanning, at an average of 2 min per scan - well, you do the math - another long process.
3. This is followed by dividing the scans into subject matter folders.
4. After that, each scan goes through a photo manipulation process (Think Photoshop) for cropping, sharpening, color balance and contrast correction, defect elimination; etc. Also, on pages that are larger than my scanner bed, I have to use stitching software to combine 2 or 3 scans into 1 image.
5. When I am happy with this outcome, I need to generate PDF's for some subjects and reduce the PDF size for up and downloading.
6. Next I have to upload the scans to an image service or my own website and obtain shortcut links for use in the blog.
7. The blog entry can now be written.
8. All is uploaded to the blog servers.
So, take a minute when you read a blog and appreciate all the (unpaid) work that goes into each entry!!
Of course, now, I have to go through steps 3-8 for the 5000 scans in order to bring them to you. Be patient!
Good morning, Ron,
Having recently finished a new book on the F-101 and mulling over writing a new title on the F3H, I, for one, deeply appreciate both your efforts and your generosity!
Ron Easley
Thanks for the thoughts! Let me know if I might have something to help you.BTW; what is the new book called?
This effort is food for my soul, I really love this site.
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